Support meta in PVE is far more important issue If ElsZero is better for PvP you could probably just play there, as older versions are indeed a bit better in that regard. It's pretty difficult even for officials to do this properly and it might be too much for us to maintain long term, but we're open to suggestions in general on Discord and might look into it at some point.

Hey, currently have no plans regarding PvP and rebalances. It makes me think "PvP is going to be genuinely awful, christ." Not tryna hate but it just feels bad to see this Seeing that EVERYONE rn will get +10 raid wep, +10 armor, +12 reforge with 100 sages with absolutely no custom balance doesn't make me think "oh wow I should play this!". At least Zero has custom rebalances and a transport back to a time to where els made sense instead of just "things" stacked on top of "things" until no one understands what's going on anymore unless they've played for 3+ years. Until then, I really just don't see the point. So much stuff that completely ruins pvp and does literally nothing for pve needs just a total restructural change. Removal of escape skills, force skills, Super Armor on normal attacks, and nerfs to passives across the board. Honestly, unless you guys do something about the incredible and broken mess that is PvP in 2023 Elsword, there's no point to a server like this rn.